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Traditional Negotiated Media

What We Do

SPI has placed media in over 150 DMAs and has on-going relationships in most markets across the country.

SPI will order all media placements, handle invoicing, and manage vendor invoices and reconciliation. Additionally, SPI manages delivery and trafficking of all advertising materials to the respective media outlets.
  • Traditional Broadcast/Cable

  • OTT Streaming Video

  • TV/Radio/Print

  • Research/Planning

  • Negotiating/Buying

  • Trafficking and Management

  • Invoice Reconciliation

  • Post-Buy Analysis

  • Traditional Broadcast/Cable

  • OTT Streaming Video

  • TV/Radio/Print

  • Research/Planning

  • Negotiating/Buying

  • Trafficking and Management

  • Invoice Reconciliation

  • Post-Buy Analysis

    If you don’t have time to meet with every media outlet, radio, TV, billboard rep in the county—negotiate deals—place, manage and traffic buys—–reconcile invoices . . . . . . Call Us. We’ll Get it Done.