Halt in the Name of the Stupid Police!
At a previous agency, I was given the honorary title, Chief of the Stupid Police. It was my job to ...
Have you Heard? Voice Search is the New Black!
“OK Google, how do I cook a medium rare steak?” “Siri, who sang the female lead on Gimme Shelter?” “Alexa, ...
Sculpting the Future
Please note, the names of businesses and people have been intentionally omitted to preserve the anonymity of all parties. Recently, ...
Chipping Away At 2021 Sales
Remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020 caused by COVID? Can you recall that panicked feeling you got walking ...
The Test Drive Reimagined
In the early 90’s, my wife and I began our quest to purchase a new car. She was very excited ...
Understanding the anatomy of Digital Search
We know that step one for most customers will be to “ask Mr. Google.” That’s why you need to be all over ...
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) Impact on the Service Industry.
I got a call the other day from an old friend that used to help me with my race car ...
Where Did All The “Grits” Go?
So… to answer your first question, “What the hell is a Grit?” It’s a term that I heard years ago ...