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Have you Heard? Voice Search is the New Black!

Have you Heard? Voice Search is the New Black!

“OK Google, how do I cook a medium rare steak?” “Siri, who sang the female lead on Gimme Shelter?” “Alexa, ...
Understanding the anatomy of Digital Search

Understanding the anatomy of Digital Search

We know that step one for most customers will be to “ask Mr. Google.” That’s why you need to be all over ...
Behavioral Targeting 101

Behavioral Targeting 101

Broadly speaking, behavioral targeting is a method of digital ad targeting that collects information about a person’s online behavior and leverages ...
The Changing Face of Outdoor: Digital Out of Home

The Changing Face of Outdoor: Digital Out of Home

Billboards … outdoor … out of home … as the name evolved so did most other things about this traditional ...
Five Tips for Effective Geofencing

Five Tips for Effective Geofencing

Most advertisers have heard of geofencing: creating a virtual geographic fence around a location. Specifically, it’s a location-based digital marketing ...
Programmatic Continues to Soar!

Programmatic Continues to Soar!

Traditional media buying meant a lot of hands-on work: research, proposals, negotiating, manual insertion orders, etc. When a major part ...
Raise a Banner or Go Native?

Raise a Banner or Go Native?

Banner ads came first. In fact, the very first online ads were AT&T banner ads placed on way back in ...
Over-the-Top TV

Over-the-Top TV

“Netflix and chill” may mean more than just, ahem, getting together to watch TV. But the fact that it’s now ...
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing (SEM) is using paid digital to help your company, product or service show up in a highly ...