This Too Shall Pass
Who said that anyway? Where did that come from? Was it Aristotle? Or Plato? Lady GaGa? Anyhow, there is one ...

What I miss most
I’m a hugger. Grew up in a very affectionate family. Grandma didn’t just pinch my chubby cheeks. She’d pinch ‘em ...

Hur-ray! Hur-ray! Marketing on sale! Get some!
I’ve watched my compatriots offer everything from websites on discount to media production to air time at a bargain price. ...

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
I don’t know if it was the Democrats or Republicans who said that, but first time I heard it I ...

The Worst That Could Happen – We Forget
I worry. If I don’t have enough to worry about today, I’ll worry about tomorrow. And if that’s not enough, ...

How ‘bout them Doctors and Nurses!
Hey, how ‘bout it for our doctors and nurses out there. While I’m safe at home in my little hermetically ...

Health and Money
I’m in marketing, so I got a kick outta’ this one story I read. Corona Beer sales are down 38%. ...