Hur-ray! Hur-ray! Marketing on sale! Get some!
I’ve watched my compatriots offer everything from websites on discount to media production to air time at a bargain price. AND YES, even I did it. SPI made that same knee jerk reaction during this crisis and offered production services for free. You know what. That’s dumb. Businesses are not out looking for bargains during a crisis. I don’t shop for half price produce during a hurricane.
What is it that people, businesses, and business owners are really looking for from a brand during a crisis? YOU! The real you. Just a genuine connection with who and what you and your company are. We want to see the faces behind the big companies and small companies. What type of person, president, CEO, are you? What type of personality does your company display? Gimmicks? Tone deaf? In tune with the crisis? Who are you? This situation – this crisis – magnifies that. Step up. Step forward. Shine your light. At least that’s how I see it.